The Simple 10 Second Bedtime Tonic Helped Me Drop from 219 to 142 lbs…

10 Second Bedtime Tonic  :(And I Still Enjoy all My Favorite Foods)

Hi, my name is Cathie. Married for 28 years and mother of 2 beautiful girls. I just recently discovered a way to get my old self back …

I remember when I was in my 20s and 30s and I used to …

Have energy that doesn’t quit all day

Maintain my trim figure living on fast food, burgers, and pizza

Eat whatever I wanted and never gain an ounce

Stay in excellent shape even though I never went to the gym.

Feel confident and relaxed wearing fun well-fitted dresses, tank tops, and shorts.

That was me until sometime in my early 40s.

After 40 EVERYTHING Went Downhill. Very Fast!

Overnight, my once slim, trim, and petite figure became a magnet and started bulging out in all the wrong places.

It seemed my metabolism had stopped.

Even my health was going down-hill, and I had very little energy during the day.

So, I would go to bed earlier at night, hoping that would get me through the next day.

Some nights I’d even sleep 11 HOURS, and still be dragging the next day!

I didn’t realize just how BAD it had gotten.

That is, until my husband and I were visiting family in Texas over the holidays. He had booked a condo online for us to stay in.

When I walked into the bathroom I noticed there was a fancy digital scale on the floor in the middle of the room. We hadn’t had a scale in our home for years.

I hesitated, then I decided to step on just to see the number.

219 pounds…What? Surely, that couldn’t be right.

That moment hit me very HARD.

I looked in the bathroom mirror and was extremely ashamed of what I saw.

I looked so very tired, puffy, and round

How did things get this bad? How did I let myself go so far?

I thought about my “experience on the scale” for the rest of the day.

That night as I was getting ready for bed, I made a decision.

I Was Determined To Get The “REAL ME” Back!

First thing I did, after we got home, was to start walking.

I found out pretty quickly that my joints were not going to hold up under all the weight I was carrying at the time.

Then, I started a detox with juice and smoothies

I had some success early on,  However, it left me too hungry and I ended up snacking which ruined my momentum. 



I even tried some strange home remedies that a woman at my local health food store promised would work.

Different concoctions made in the kitchen. with cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, lime juice, lemons, bananas, and other things…

Next, I tried Keto. There were some delicious meals included in the plan, but I missed eating bread.

Then I counted calories, tried Paleo, and I even ate Vegan for a whole month. But the numbers on the scale wouldn’t budge!

I Thought…” Is there something wrong with me internally?”

So, I made an appointment with my doctor for a check-up.

What My Doctor Revealed Totally Surprised Me!

Sumatra Doctor

Calmly, he said, “Cathie, there isn’t anything to worry about. You didn’t do anything wrong.

He told me that my weight gain over the years had “NOTHING” to do with what I eat or how much I exercise.

He then lowered his voice to a whisper, looked around and down the hallway as if to see if anyone else was listening…

He quietly said, “Cathie, I’ve known Don and you for a long time. I don’t share this with just anyone, but I want to show you something I learned recently that will help you.”

“It’s a bit unconventional but it has some great scientific research backing it up.”

I thought he was going to tell me about some “magical” supplement or pill that he could prescribe to help me.

Boy, I was wrong…

He told me about a simple 10-second bedtime tonic that he learned about at a recent conference he attended.

He continued, “there are 3 amazing benefits people have found by using this simple 10-second bedtime tonic…

1. Don’t need to change eating habits

2. Don’t need to exercise

3. It works very fast

“And, it only takes about 10 seconds every day.”

He said, “all the information is right here.”

Then he handed me a piece of paper with the website address.


I couldn’t wait to get home. When I got to my car I watched the video on the phone right there in the Doctor’s parking lot.

It was an hour later and I was completely blown away by what I just learned in the video.

Could something so simple really deliver those results in a short period of time?

I had questions, but my heart said “YES! This is the Answer!”

I followed my heart…

97% Of People Have Never Even Heard Of This…

Me Today

Me Today

I’ve been using this simple 10-second bedtime tonic for a while now, and I am really thrilled.

I started seeing results almost immediately, just like the Doctor said I would.

The numbers on the scale started to drop on Day 2 and they have been dropping ever since.

It seems like every other week, I’m replacing part of my wardrobe.

I keep pinching myself, thinking this is a dream, as I walk through the women’s petite section..instead of the plus!

My husband also noticed the difference.. if you know what I mean. Let’s just say there is a new spark in our relationship. Even at our age!

He decided to start using the simple 10-second bedtime tonic also. Yes! It works for men too!

Other things I noticed since starting this…

53 feels more like 30 these days if you ask me! My energy is through the roof!

I am satisfied after meals and I don’t crave fast food or snacks all day.

My blood sugar levels are better, even though I’m still eating sweets. Who would have known?

I sleep more soundly now, waking up feeling refreshed and have energy for the day.

I’m So Happy I Followed My Heart, Not My Head

I could have easily disregarded my Doctor when he told me about this simple            10-second bedtime tonic. But, I put my skepticism aside.

Now, I love who I have become. I feel like the ‘REAL ME’ again.

I know I don’t have to worry about my health in the future.

All because I took an hour to learn about this simple 10-second bedtime tonic. Who would have thought?

Of course, I’m starting to get questions about how I am getting these results so quickly.

So, I put the link to the same website my Doctor gave me.  To learn about the simple 10-second bedtime tonic tap below.

That is if it’s STILL up.

There was a chance it was going to be taken down, due to some pending legal actions from a well-known pharmaceutical company that is trying to keep this simple 10-second bedtime tonic hidden from the public.

I guess the thing to do would be to go ahead and tap the button below right now.

Tap it now if you want to be certain you have a chance to learn about the simple  10-second bedtime tonic for yourself.

Tap to learn simple 10 second bedtime tonic video

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