The 7 Second Blue Trick That Helped Me Drop 70 lbs of Flab From 225 to 155… And I’m Just Getting Started!

7 second blue trick : Hello! I’m Evonne, a 58-year-old retired nurse on my season tour, now soaking up the sun in beautiful Mandalay Bay Beach, Las Vegas. Sit back, because I’m about to share a story that just might be the inspiration you need to jumpstart a healthier, happier you!

Picture a woman who used to lead every hospital event with energy to spare, who danced until dawn, and who thrived on being active…

…only to find herself choosing the elevator over the stairs, and spending her “golden days” cooped up at home. I might be getting closer to my 60’s but, i should not look anyhow older than my mum.

That was me—watching my numbers climb, feeling my spark slip away, and hiding the body I once loved under baggy dresses.

I had tried it all. Juice cleanses? Check. Whole30? Done that. Dance classes? Been there, done that. Say Yoga…..

The outcome? Nada.

Signing up for every new fitness trend, sweating in pilates, spinning—yet, nothing but frustration and fatigue to show for it.

Then, The Least Anticipated Meeting Changed It All…

I’m meandering through a seaside market, not expecting much, when a burst of color catches my eye—a booth draped in vibrant tropical hues.

The wellness expert there, with a knowing smile, says, “You seem ready for a change. Let me share the magic of the 7-second blue trick.”

My eyebrows raise in disbelief. “Seven seconds? Really?” I’m thinking, here comes another lofty promise.

But her stories and photos from all her successful past customers toned down my nerves.

The secret turned out to be a blend of exotic, tropical ingredients I already loved but never thought to combine in such a transformative way.

I began the very next day. Initially, the changes were so imaginary, I barely noticed them. 

But then, suddenly, it was as if my body remembered how to be young again!

I found myself opting for walks on the beach, moving with a spring in my step I hadn’t felt in years.

My energy levels? Soaring! I was greeting each new day with an enthusiasm I thought was lost to me.

The most delightful part—I was savoring my meals, each bite a guilt-free pleasure, without the bloating or discomfort I had come to accept as normal.

But the true triumph? Becoming the adventurous, life-loving matriarch my family remembered and loved…even though they hadn’t seen her in years.

But Could This Be a Sustainable Joy? Was This The Real Evonne Returning?

Fast forward to today, and the answer is a resounding yes.

I’m not just down by 70 lbs and counting…I’m also finally starting to hang out again!

Even my 65 year old Untie Zita, curious about my transformation, has joined me on this journey. Together, we’re healthier and happier than we’ve been in decades.

And here’s the scoop—

  • Youth Rediscovered: It’s as if I’ve reversed the clock. I feel unstoppable!
  • ​Mealtime Bliss: Goodbye, mindless snacking. Now, each meal is an event to cherish.
  • ​Desserts Without Being Suspicious: Yes, even the sweet tropical treats are back, and I’m loving every bite—worry-free!
  • ​A Health Revolution: My doctor was amazed. “Evonne, what’s your secret?” For once, I was proud to share.
  • ​Sleeping Soundly: Nights of restless tossing and turning are gone. Now, I drift off peacefully, waking up refreshed.

Incredible, right? 

Trust me, it is. This straightforward, budget-friendly routine has utterly transformed my life.

And now it’s your turn…

The newly looking Me!

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